Zakhara, also known as the Land of Fate, is a massive peninsula – really a subcontinent – far south of Faerûn in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. It initially appeared in the early-1990s Al-Qadim setting for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, and had an intentionally short publication lifespan. Since that time, however, the setting’s popularity has led to its appearance on world maps of Toril and in various online fan communities.
Unlike TTRPG settings based on European tales, folklore, and customs, Zakhara draws its inspiration from stories in the Arabian Nights, as well as different Hollywood movies based on those stories. Zakhara is a land of dashing corsairs, stalwart desert nomads, sly viziers, and cunning sorcerers, where gleaming metropoles and ruined kingdoms await the adventurous in deep deserts and impenetrable jungles alike.
This page compiles articles, discussions, and ideas for exploring this classic setting and its unique characters in 5th Edition games. You can find our 5th Edition Zakhara products on DMSGuild.com by clicking on the icon below. If you are unfamiliar with the setting, we recommend starting with our free Adventurer’s Guide to Zakhara, which will walk you through the basics of the setting and creating a Zakharan Character.
- People of Zakhara: Ogres and Offbeat Encounters: The Lost Scroll Are Now Available! March 8, 2022The next installment of our popular Offbeat Encounters line and the first installment in our People of Zakhara line are available now! People of Zakhara: ...
- Campaign Guide: Zakhara – Adventures in the Land of Fate is now Platinum! January 3, 2022See what the fuss is all about at dmsguild.com!
- Adventurer’s Guide To Zakhara September 15, 2021Available now: Adventurer’s Guide to Zakhara! Everything you wanted to know about creating a Zakharan character in 5e but were afraid to ask! In this short, handy, ...
- Kazerabet’s Keepsakes April 16, 2021From the archives of the dreaded Necromancer Queen Kazerabet herself come over 180 magical items and artifacts hailing from fabled Zakhara, the Land of Fate! ...
- Campaign Guide: Zakhara – Adventures in the Land of Fate is Available now! April 13, 2021Explore a vast peninsula far south of Faerun in this Fifth Edition campaign sourcebook
- Mark your calendars! February 12, 2021Campaign Guide: Zakhara – Adventures in the Land of Fate
- Adventures in the Land of Fate is very near May 3, 2020Work is almost complete; the book is pretty much all done save a few finishing touches on the introductory adventure. We will have some more ...
- Update: Adventures in the Land of Fate April 18, 2020We’ve been quiet, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. Adventures in the Land of Fate has undergone some pretty hefty changes since ...
- Vizier’s Turban sample and Progress Report February 22, 2020How’s another weird monster sound? Here’s the Vizier’s Turban, a strange mix of creature, plot device, and magic item. Of all the monsters we’re ...
- Adventures in the Land of Fate Update (PoD)! August 13, 2019Hello, Hamsters! We have good news and no-so-good news. First and foremost, the good news: it’s looking like Adventures in the Land of Fate will be ...
- Cover Drafts for Adventures in the Land of Fate June 29, 2019We are still a few weeks out from release, but the cover for Adventures in the Land of Fate is coming along nicely!
- Sea Devils of the Pale Hand June 7, 2019Darkness in the Land of Fate: Kraken worshippers, death cults, giant four-armed horrors of the deep, and more await! This supplement provides all you need to ...
- Free Download: The Sha’ir April 7, 2019Presenting the sha’ir: a spellcaster whose ability comes from the asistance of an elemental familiar called a gen. In Midnight in the CIty of Brass, our interpretation draws ...
- Midnight in the City of Brass is Available Now! January 30, 2019It’s an adventure! It’s a sourcebook! It has lovers! It has monsters! It has player options! It has a poster map! It has plot hooks! ...
- Midnight in the City of Brass Is Coming! December 28, 2018Here is the finalized Table of Contents for Midnight in the City of Brass! Part adventure, part sourcebook, Midnight in the City of Brass includes ...
- Special Art Preview: Midnight in the City of Brass November 16, 2018Coming in early 2019 from Miniature Giant Space Hamster Press, Midnight in the City of Brass is an adventure set in the titular city, wherein ...
- Upcoming Releases: The Summer Magi and Midnight in the City of Brass August 26, 2018Coming Soon from Miniature Giant Space Hamster Press: The Summer Magi and Midnight in the City of Brass! The Summer Magi describes a nomadic group of ...