GLOSS #4 – DCC Kobold

For this new installment of our GLOSS series, we are looking at another new class for DCC: the kobold. A popular monstrous option through the years, kobolds tend to be individually weak and therefore greatly underestimated by their foes. Such an underestimation is often a fatal mistake, since kobolds are every bit as intelligent, clever, and resourceful as humans.

Our take on the kobold emphasizes the character’s practicality and its opportunistic nature. After all, a small, physically weak species needs to maximize every advantage it can; it only makes sense to attack en masse and use the surrounding environment however one can. Such tactics might be deemed “cowardly” by taller folks, but kobolds know the best way to survive is to seize every available opportunity. 

The class is presented in the same manner as the classes in the DCC Core Rulebook.

You can find GLOSS #1 here:, GLOSS #2 here:, and GLOSS #3 here: 

The Kobold

You are diminutive and often-overlooked – generally to the detriment of those who aren’t paying close attention. An expert at using your small size and environment to your advantage, you make up in cleverness what you lack in stature. Detractors may call you cowardly, but you know that the best way to take a punch is to have it miss by several feet.

Kobolds are devious opportunists renowned for their skill at setting traps and using their environment to their advantage. Their small size makes them well-adapted to making their way into spaces others simply can’t fit into, and their practicality makes them well aware of the advantage numbers can play in combat. A kobold spotted by itself is almost always a distraction from greater threats, and a kobold’s creativity means their foes should always expect the unexpected.    

Despite this penchant for innovation, kobolds are generally underestimated by the taller types, something of which they are keenly aware and optimize when they can. They live in groups, either within large urban areas or in winding caverns underground. Kobolds tend to have a strong dislike of fey folk, finding them fickle and untrustworthy, 

Hit points: A kobold gains 1d4 hit points at each level. Their small frames are built for avoidance, not punishment.

Weapon training: Kobolds favor weapons that play to their strengths, and are trained in using the blackjack, blowgun, club, crossbow, dagger, dart, garrote, handaxe, shortbow, short sword, sling, spear, and staff. A kobold who succeeds in a backstab attempt with a blackjack, dagger, or garrotte uses the same damage value as a thief. Kobolds rarely wear armor heavier than leather, as it detracts from their stealth.

Alignment: Kobolds value teamwork and strategy, which benefit from planning and follow-through. They are usually lawful, or at least neutral. Chaotic kobolds are rare, but can be especially unpredictable and dangerous.

Attack modifier: Kobolds do not receive a fixed attack modifier at each level. Instead, they receive a deed die, just like a warrior. At 1st level, this is a d3. The kobold rolls this d3 on each attack roll and applies it to both their attack roll and their damage roll. On one attack, the die may give them a +1 to their attack roll and damage roll. On the next attack, the die may give them +3! The deed die advances with the kobold’s level, climbing to d7 by 5th level, and then further to d10+4 by 10th level. The kobold always makes a new roll with this die in each combat  round. When the kobold has multiple attacks at higher levels, the same deed die applies to all attacks in the same combat round.

Initiative: A kobold adds their class level to their initiative rolls.

Sneaky Deeds: Kobolds have a penchant for practicality that prioritizes trickery and using their surroundings to their advantage. Like warriors, they can perform Mighty Deeds of Arms in combat. 

Superior infravision: A kobold can see in the dark up to 100’, but suffer a -1 penalty to attacks in bright light.

Small size: Like halflings, a kobold’s small size allows them to crawl into narrow passages and through tiny holes. 

Trickery: A kobold can use the following thief skills: Backstab, Sneak Silently, Hide in Shadows, Find Trap, and Disable Trap. The kobold’s modifier for these skills is the same as a thief of the kobold’s alignment and level. A kobold can use their Find Trap skill to hide a trap, and their Disable Trap skill to create a trap.

Languages: At first level, a kobold automatically knows his own language and common. A kobold’s voice is reminiscent of a yapping dog.

Action dice: A kobold’s action dice can be used for attacks and skill checks.

LevelAttack (Deed Die)Crit Die/TableAction DiceRefFortWill

SkillBonus for LAWFUL Kobolds
Sneak Silently+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Hide in Shadows+3+5+7+8+9+11+12+13+14+15
Find Trap+3+5+7+8+9+11+12+13+14+15
Disable Trap+3+5+7+8+9+11+12+13+14+15
SkillBonus for CHAOTIC Kobolds
Sneak Silently+3+5+7+8+9+11+12+13+14+15
Hide in Shadows+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Find Trap+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Disable Trap+0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
SkillBonus for NEUTRAL Kobolds
Sneak Silently+3+5+7+8+9+11+12+13+14+15
Hide in Shadows+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Find Trap+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13
Disable Trap+1+3+5+7+8+9+10+11+12+13

Kobold Occupations

If you want to allow kobolds as a character option in your campaign, you can use the following occupations. 0-Level kobolds have 100’ infravision but have a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright light.

Kobold Occupations
RollOccupationTrained WeaponTrade Goods
1Kobold acolyteDaggerCandle, chalk
2Kobold alchemistStaffAcid, 1 vial (1d3 damage)
3-4Kobold decoyKnife (as dagger)Mask
5-6Kobold guideStaffParchment  and quill
7-10Kobold minerPick (as club)Sack
11-12Kobold pirateRapier (as short sword)Star chart
13-14Kobold tamerWhip (5’ range, 1d4)Weasel
15-16Kobold trapsmithShovel (as staff)Caltrops, 20’ of twine